Saturday, September 1, 2007

I've Got a Gal in Kalamazoo

Again. As of yesterday, when her brother and I moved her into her dorm room to start her sophomore year.

When we arrived to her room, her roommate's dad was already there, laying some carpeting. The room seemed microscopic. If I had to guess I would have to say that the dimensions of the space is about eleven by twelve. Maybe.

Amy and Chrissy looked at each other and one of them said,"I think the room we had last year was bigger." It was obvious that two beds, two chests of drawers, two desks, a futon, a mini refrigerator, a microwave, a television and all the gear that comes along with two nineteen year old females were not going to fit into that room.

I had some ideas about what to do, and I'm sure her parents did also, but we all just kept it to ourselves while the girls worked it out.

Eventually, through some sacrifices on both girls' parts and some decisons about what they each really needed to have with them, everything they decided to keep fit very nicely in the room. I was proud of the girls for working it all out like adults; almost as proud as I was of the adults for letting them do so.

When Mark and I left, the room looked very cozy and they were busy putting everything away while catching up with each other.

Amy's roomate's mom and sister cried. I did not. But today, things at home felt strange. You know that feeling you have when there's something you think you've forgotten? Or that itch in the middle of your back that you just can't reach?

It will get better. We will fall into our routines and when she comes home on breaks we'll all have an adjustment period. It's the way things are, the way things always have been, the way they were meant to be. Part of growing up. For all of us.


toners said...

Excellent post. I have a little while before my kids head off to college, but I am not looking forward to it....

Sherri said...

You're's as it was meant to be. Not that that makes it easier. Great parenting there and a well written post.