Friday, January 11, 2008

Getting in My Own Way (Again)

Here I am talking about simplifying, de-cluttering, and so on, and what do I do?

Just the opposite of what I'm trying to achieve! And it's taken me over a week to figure it out.

Along with Project Simplicity, I am also trying to take at least one photo a day with my new digi camera. I figure it will accomplish a few things: I'll learn how to use the thing, I will have a photographic journal of my year, and I'll write at least a few lines every day. So what did I do but start a second blog for those entries!

What was I thinking? One blog is much easier to maintain and simpler. As in less clutter. Which is supposedly my focus this year. Well, I guess simplicity is simple, but not necessarily easy. Especially for some of us!

So I am moving the pic a day over here. Here is yesterday's photo:

January 10: Windy Day

Jasmine seems fascinated by the leaves swirling in the wind. Today was a good day for watching the wind at work. The unseasonably warm weather we've been enjoying is being pushed out to make way for typical January- in- Michigan weather. Although I do like the snow, it has been nice having it a little milder.


Darcey said...

Good idea to make is simpler with only one blog.

toners said...

Great job! And I agree with one blog being easier :) Have a fantastic weekend!

Linda said...

I think you made a good choice about the number of blogs. Sometimes I have a hard time keeping up with my one.